Patient Outcomes

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Modernize Pharmaceutical Marketing for Today’s Healthcare Consumer
4 Strategies to Improve Patient Medication Adherence
Two recent studies show smart pill bottles have positive impact
4 Consequences of Medication Non-Adherence
Timing Is Everything: The Importance of Taking Medication on Time
Pros and Cons of Value-Based Contracts

Pros and Cons of Value-Based Contracts

Over the last 15 years, there has been a shift in the healthcare industry from the traditional fee-for-service model to value-based contracts. Rather than paying for healthcare services based only on the number of services…

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Simplify Complex Medication Regimens

5 Strategies to Simplify Complex Medication Regimens

Ensuring proper medication adherence is essential for managing chronic conditions and maintaining overall health and well-being. However, barriers can result in non-adherence—especially for patients with more complex medication regimens. What makes a regimen complex? Both…

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Medication Adherence Tools

5 Medication Adherence Tools to Consider

Medication non-adherence is a serious issue contributing to increased healthcare costs, poor quality of life, health deterioration, and treatment failure. For every 100 prescriptions written, only around 25-30 are taken as directed. Fortunately, there are…

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Overcome Medication Adherence Barriers

4 Ways to Help Patients Overcome Medication Adherence Barriers

Medication non-adherence is a significant challenge in healthcare today. Not only does non-adherence account for approximately 33-69 percent of hospital admissions, but it can also result in treatment failure, health deterioration, increased healthcare costs, poor…

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How Gaps in the Healthcare System Impact Patient Outcomes

How Gaps in the Healthcare System Impact Patient Outcomes

Gaps in the healthcare system have a profound impact on patient outcomes, and not in a positive way. Poor care coordination and management can result in missed or delayed treatment, introduce dangerous patient safety concerns,…

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