Therapy Initiation

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4 Ways to Enhance Patient Outreach

4 Ways to Enhance Patient Outreach

Pharmaceutical companies are increasingly investing in patient support programs designed to increase engagement, optimize medication use, and achieve better health outcomes. However, not all patient outreach is effective, and getting it right is essential to…

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Improve the Affordability of Specialty Drugs

3 Ways to Improve the Affordability of Specialty Drugs

Specialty drugs are essential for treating complex, chronic conditions. However, they’re also relatively expensive, and prices are continually rising. According to an AARP report, the average specialty drug price is rising more than three times faster…

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Overcoming medication adherence barriers in oral anticancer meds

Overcoming Medication Adherence Barriers in Oral Anticancer Meds

Over the past decade, treatment in a variety of cancers, particularly breast cancer, chronic myelogenous leukemia, and non-small cell lung cancer, has switched from intermittent intravenous therapy to self-administered targeted oral anticancer medications (OAMs). There…

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