Medication Adherence

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The Halo Effect of Adherence to Antidepressants

The Halo Effect of Adherence to Antidepressants

In the popular imagination, depression is chronic sadness. In reality, it is a devastating illness with widespread mental and physical health effects. One of the most common challenges of depression is a motivation deficit. People…

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The Importance of Diabetes Medication Adherence

The Importance of Diabetes Medication Adherence

Diabetes is the seventh leading cause of death in the United States. Despite this grim statistic, diabetes medication adherence rates are surprisingly low, especially given that diabetes can be managed with treatment. A 2016 study…

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Which Conditions Have the Lowest Adherence Rates?

Which Conditions Have the Lowest Adherence Rates?

Chronic conditions impact 6 in 10 Americans, according to estimates by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Many of those patients are prescribed medication to treat their condition; however, medication non-adherence in patients…

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Identifying and Addressing Gaps in Care

Identifying and Addressing Gaps in Care

The U.S. healthcare system is highly fragmented. Poor care coordination and disparities between best practices and the care received can lead to dangerous clinical errors, poor patient outcomes, and increased unnecessary healthcare spending. As such,…

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Preventing Non-Adherence in Asthma Patients

Preventing Non-Adherence in Patients with Asthma

Asthma is a common and costly condition, impacting around 25 million people in the U.S. and upwards of 262 million globally. Although treating asthma is possible with the right treatment plan, non-adherence to asthma medications…

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Factors That Influence Medication Adherence
7 Ways to Prevent Medication Non-Adherence in Teens

7 Ways to Prevent Medication Non-Adherence in Teens

Medication non-adherence is a long-standing problem in the healthcare industry, significantly impacting patient outcomes and contributing to the rising costs of care. For patients in their teenage years, taking medications as prescribed presents even greater…

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Patient Support Programs Can Improve Medication Adherence

3 Ways Patient Support Programs Can Improve Medication Adherence

Poor medication adherence can have significant consequences, ranging from worsening health conditions and comorbidities, to an increased risk of hospitalization and even mortality. However, well-designed patient support programs supplemented by smart data and technology have…

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Reasons Why Non-Adherence Occurs

6 Reasons Why Non-Adherence Occurs

Medication non-adherence is a common and unfortunate reality in healthcare. Research has proven time and time again that despite intervention efforts, up to 50% of patients fail to take their medications as prescribed.  Far too…

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Senior medication adherence: the growing problem

Senior Medication Adherence: The Growing Problem

By the year 2030 the entire Baby Boomer generation will be age 65 or older. This growing number of senior Boomers will challenge the health care system, particularly when it comes to medication management and…

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