Medication Adherence

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Medication Adherence Tools

5 Medication Adherence Tools to Consider

Medication non-adherence is a serious issue contributing to increased healthcare costs, poor quality of life, health deterioration, and treatment failure. For every 100 prescriptions written, only around 25-30 are taken as directed. Fortunately, there are…

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Overcome Medication Adherence Barriers

4 Ways to Help Patients Overcome Medication Adherence Barriers

Medication non-adherence is a significant challenge in healthcare today. Not only does non-adherence account for approximately 33-69 percent of hospital admissions, but it can also result in treatment failure, health deterioration, increased healthcare costs, poor…

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How Gaps in the Healthcare System Impact Patient Outcomes

How Gaps in the Healthcare System Impact Patient Outcomes

Gaps in the healthcare system have a profound impact on patient outcomes, and not in a positive way. Poor care coordination and management can result in missed or delayed treatment, introduce dangerous patient safety concerns,…

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How COVID-19 Has Impacted Medication Adherence

How COVID-19 Has Impacted Medication Adherence

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted just about every facet of our lives between 2020 and 2022. So much has changed, from how we interact socially to how we access healthcare and take our medications. So…

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4 Ways to Enhance Patient Outreach

4 Ways to Enhance Patient Outreach

Pharmaceutical companies are increasingly investing in patient support programs designed to increase engagement, optimize medication use, and achieve better health outcomes. However, not all patient outreach is effective, and getting it right is essential to…

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5 Ways to Improve Your Patient Engagement Strategy

5 Ways to Improve Your Patient Engagement Strategy

Patient engagement is a hot topic in healthcare, and for very good reason. Engaged patients tend to make healthier lifestyle choices, adhere to care plans, and achieve positive overall health outcomes. Because patient engagement has…

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5 Ways Pharma Can Support Patients with Rare Diseases

5 Ways Pharma Can Support Patients with Rare Diseases

Rare diseases: although statistically uncommon, their burden is significant. Between 25 and 30 million Americans live with rare diseases. These diseases include cystic fibrosis, muscular dystrophy, sickle cell disease, hemophilia, and as many as 7,000 other…

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Improve the Affordability of Specialty Drugs

3 Ways to Improve the Affordability of Specialty Drugs

Specialty drugs are essential for treating complex, chronic conditions. However, they’re also relatively expensive, and prices are continually rising. According to an AARP report, the average specialty drug price is rising more than three times faster…

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How Effective is Your Patient Support Program

How Effective is Your Patient Support Program?

Pharmaceutical companies spend more than $5 billion on patient support programs each year, but only 3 percent of patients actually use them. So what gives? What does an effective patient support program look like, and…

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How Can Predictive Analytics Prevent Non-Adherence?

How Can Predictive Analytics Prevent Non-Adherence?

In the digital age, we have access to more data than ever before. Companies of all shapes and sizes use data to make smarter business decisions, manage budgets, improve efficiency, meet customer expectations, and more.…

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