Gaps in Care

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Identifying and Addressing Gaps in Care

Identifying and Addressing Gaps in Care

The U.S. healthcare system is highly fragmented. Poor care coordination and disparities between best practices and the care received can lead to dangerous clinical errors, poor patient outcomes, and increased unnecessary healthcare spending. As such,…

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How Gaps in the Healthcare System Impact Patient Outcomes

How Gaps in the Healthcare System Impact Patient Outcomes

Gaps in the healthcare system have a profound impact on patient outcomes, and not in a positive way. Poor care coordination and management can result in missed or delayed treatment, introduce dangerous patient safety concerns,…

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5 Ways to Improve Your Patient Engagement Strategy

5 Ways to Improve Your Patient Engagement Strategy

Patient engagement is a hot topic in healthcare, and for very good reason. Engaged patients tend to make healthier lifestyle choices, adhere to care plans, and achieve positive overall health outcomes. Because patient engagement has…

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Leveraging AI to Improve the Patient Journey

Leveraging AI to Improve the Patient Experience

The patient experience is paramount in healthcare today. Newly emerging technologies, shifting industry dynamics, and evolving consumer preferences are reshaping what the modern patient experience looks like in the New Healthcare Economy. That’s why more…

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