3 Benefits of Omni-Channel Marketing for Pharma

Artificial Intelligence Medication Adherence Patient Engagement Patient Outcomes Patient Support Programs Pharmaceutical Marketing

In recent years, pharmaceutical companies have leaned into omni-channel marketing strategies to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of their patient support programs, expand their reach, and adapt to ever-evolving consumer expectations.

Omni-channel messaging focuses on consistency and personalization – both online and offline – to holistically increase brand awareness and engagement. It requires tightly coordinated workflows to deliver a seamless patient experience. 

Across emails, mobile applications, websites, advertising, and more, a recognizable and consistent tone of voice and vision is established and maintained, with content shaped by the individual user.

The idea is that the more bespoke the messaging, the more encouraged users will be to continue consuming it. 

Now that omni-channel marketing is fast becoming the norm in the industry, pharmaceutical companies are recognizing the benefits to their brand and their patients.

Ready to refine your omni-channel marketing strategy?

RELATED: Find out how pharma companies use AI to improve medication adherence  across the drug lifecycle.

1. Deliver seamless, personalized experiences with omni-channel marketing

Omni-channel campaigns put consumers right at the center of marketing efforts, delivering user-centric content that’s customized, interesting, and relevant for each individual.

Healthcare professionals and consumers alike increasingly expect seamless digital experiences, tailored to their needs, so they are more likely to engage when that’s exactly what they get.

By personalizing for each channel, customer, and piece of content, you can better educate clinicians, connect to patients, and provide pertinent, high-value information that solidifies your reputation and brand awareness among healthcare professionals and consumers.

2. Improve ROI for your pharma marketing investments

Lack of time and resources are common pain points for marketers looking to double down on their omni-channel efforts. Happily, today’s pharma marketers have AI-driven technology at their disposal to identify the optimal messaging strategy for each individual.

This approach allows you to personalize content to a remarkable degree, establishing a deeper bond that garners greater engagement and brand preference. As a result, your pharmaceutical company can deploy more cost-effective and efficient campaigns that save a significant amount of time and money to yield greater ROI.

3. Collect valuable data to optimize performance

For Paul Dixey at Novartis UK, perfecting your strategy is essential for achieving marketing success.

“You have to be constantly looking at this, fine-tuning your approach, rather than spending ages producing a great big box of content and then putting all of your money in one channel and then not doing anything until you’ve got the next budget round,” he cautions.

Fortunately, you can use valuable performance metrics to inform your messaging and refine future campaigns and budget allocations.

Collecting data from each channel will provide more visibility into performance metrics and recommended next steps for omni-channel initiatives. This way, you can continuously optimize and tweak your approach to increase its efficacy.

Why omni-channel over multi-channel marketing?

Although there are benefits to taking a multi-channel approach, i.e. leveraging multiple channels for more comprehensive messaging, astute pharma brand leaders will always opt for an omni-channel strategy instead.

What’s the difference? Rather than sharing content on as many channels as possible, omni-channel marketing orchestrates unified channel experiences, with consistent messaging that flows across the customer journey – regardless of the channel.

In simpler terms, all omni-channel marketing is multi-channel marketing, but not all multi-channel campaigns are omnichannel campaigns.

How do you master an omni-channel approach?

Enter artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning. These tools and their latest advancements can predict risks and opportunities for your patients’ medication behaviors and help determine the best channel, messaging, and timing for each individual, allowing for a completely personalized experience.

Ultimately, AI supports pharmaceutical companies in their efforts to maximize patient engagement programs – and, in turn, medication initiation and adherence – for better health outcomes.

Curious about using AI to refine your omni-channel marketing strategy and patient support programs? Schedule a live demo of AllazoHealth’s AI platform to see how predictive analytics and patient-level data can benefit your organization.

Discover how AI increased length of therapy for a manufacturer through personalized patient experiences